2020년 1월 28일의 읽을거리
2020년 1월 28일에 여러분이 읽으면 좋을 5편의 아티클을 소개합니다.
논쟁을 통해서 생산성을 높이는 방법
How to boost your productivity by having an argument
A productive disagreement actually has the power to improve your output at work.
회사에서 특정 웹사이트를 차단하면 직원의 생산성이 저하될까?
Does blocking certain websites at work hurt employee productivity?
What might seem like time-wasters on the surface may actually prove to be important enablers of productivity in the long run.
큰 목표를 달성하려면 작은 목표로 세분헤야 달성하기가 쉽다.
Got Big Goals? Here's Why You Need to Think Small to Achieve Them
Goal achievement is the direct result of your habits, which rarely change overnight. Start small to form new behaviors that contribute to your success.
너무 많은 목표로 압도 당하지 말라.
Don’t Bog Yourself Down with Too Many Goals
Identify a “keystone” goal.
편향된 피드백을 받을 경우에 대처하는 방법
6 ways to handle biased feedback at work
Bias can easily creep into reviews, often without the reviewer realizing it. Here are six ways to handle it if you’re on the receiving end.