2020년 1월 16일의 읽을거리
2020년 1월 16일에 여러분이 읽으면 좋을 4편의 아티클을 소개합니다.
목표 달성에 도움이 되는 4가지 심리학적 팁은?
4 Psychological Tricks to Reach Your Goals
These four hacks that will help you reach your goals instead of abandoning them.
동료로부터 이용 당하고 있다는 8가지 신호는?
8 Signs You Are Being Taken Advantage of by Your Co-workers
If you work in such an environment, make sure staying further doesn't affect your career path.
기업문화와 관련하여 읽어야 할 15권의 책
15 Books on Business Culture You Need to Read Today
Improve your office culture and your bottom line with these great resources.
다른 직원들의 질투를 일으키지 않고 직원을 칭찬하기 위한 8가지 팁
8 Tips for Praising Employees (Without Making Others Jealous)
Leaders must be able to publicly recognize employees' efforts without creating the appearance of favoritism on the team.